Anna Maria Olsson
- Circles
SAT // JUNE 08
Theaterplatz 11
45127 Essen
“Circles” symbolizes circulations found in almost every aspect of our existence: in our water cycle, in lunar phases, in the human life cycle, and in the clockwork of time. A series of loops in constant motion, without a beginning and without an end. By combining minimalist compositional styles with electroacoustic looping techniques, “Circles” reflects on the cyclical nature of our universe.
Anna Maria Olsson is a Thai-Swedish violinist and composer specializing in writing and performing music for live multitrack violin. She utilizes “Ableton Live” and MIDI pedals to loop and transform the sounds of her acoustic instrument, creating cinematic soundscapes and lyrical melodies inspired by nature. Influenced by minimalism and film soundtracks, the release carries an ambient and cinematic vibe reminiscent of Nils Frahm and Max Richter. In 2021, she moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand, a city known for art, music, and culture. Since then, she has been working on local and international projects in contemporary dance, sound art, theater, film, games, and innovation.
SAT // JUNE 08
Theaterplatz 11
45127 Essen