Humanizing the machine self

Open hacklab with Peter Kirn

Saturday | 17/06/23 | 18:00 | Essen

Folkwang Musikschule, Aula

Thea-Leymann-Straße 23 45127 Essen

An open lab for live performance with movement, music and visual elements.

What if we used artificial intelligence to bring in more humanity and bring our own expression to the forefront instead of making it secondary? In this lab, participants selected through an open call will explore ways to use AI to connect music performance with gesture and expression.

In a collaborative environment, participants will spend four days exploring and developing new ideas around sound and performance. They will work out ways to use AI tools to learn gestures and track body and facial movements, and transfer them to live music and visual performances – creating a creative environment of sound, physicality, visuals, and code that enables jamming, collaboration, and new performance forms.

During the workshop from 14-17.06.2023, participants will focus on making the digitalized self their own and deconstructing the normative and corporate-dominated avatars of the digital world in favor of their own imaginary punk ethos.
The results will be presented to the festival audience in a collaborative performance at the Folkwang Musikschule on 06/17/2023.


Peter Kirn is an electronic musician and creative technologist. Classically trained as a pianist and composer, he now produces experimental/ambient music and live techno. He is known as a creative tech journalist and editor of Created Digital Music (, a hub for covering expressive technologies for music and visual performance. He is co-creator of the open source MeeBlip synthesizer hardware and is responsible for the MusicMakers Hacklab as an alternative performance-laboratory at the annual CTM Festival since 2013.

© Peter Kirn