hyun-jin kim

passive resistance

Digital technology can isolate people socially. We communicate without direct face-to-face contact. But it can also be the other way around, when digital communication helps to mitigate or overcome physical limitations in life.

So how should we deal with the digital world? We acknowledge the importance of information transfer as a self-evident priority, but we still consider the human being to be of primary importance. Hyun-Jin Kim calls for passive resistance in the face of this observation: For BLAUES RAUSCHEN she develops a solo performance in which the choreography scenically mutates into a kind of movement laboratory of mental immobility. What happens when people become emotionally deadened in order to be able to withstand the brutality of the media and the flood of images on the internet?

Hyun-Jin Kim comes from Seoul (South Korea) and sees herself not only as a dancer but also as a “performer” or, better still, as a “mover”. She studied dance at the Seoul Institute of the Arts and at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen and has worked with various choreographers such as Henrietta Horn, Chikako Kaido, Eun Sik Park and Ben J. Riepe. She was a member of the Folkwang Tanzstudio and the Ben J. Riepe Company. She won the “Yokohama Dance Collection Prize” and the “Masdanza International Festival Jury Prize” for her solo piece “Schattenlinien” by the choreographer Chikako Kaido. Until 2019 she worked as a freelance dancer and choreographer together with Deborah Gassmann in the Company Soom in Lucerne. She is currently producing pieces as a solo performer.

hyun-jin kim

passive resistance

Photo © Antje Christ

Wednesday | SEPtember 29th, 2021 | 20:00
atelier automatique BOchum