wednesday | september 29th, 2021
20:00 Hyun-Jin Kim
20:30 Freya Hattenberger + Peter Simon
21:00 Julia Eckhardt
21:30 Caroline Profanter
transaction / correlation
Perceiving relationships, making relationalities perceptible and thereby experiencing new perspectives: Whether intentionally or arbitrarily, Hyun Jin Kim, the duo Peter Simon and Freya Hattenberger and Julia Eckhardt spin rhizomatic webs that address encounter and correlation. At the Bochum “atelier automatique”, a network site for artistic and queer-feminist encounters, Hyun Jin Kim asks us in her current dance performance how a new digital body manages to communicate in the face of an increasing media overflow? Beyond visible bond structures, Simon and Hattenberger also draw attention to relationships between the non-human in a bioacoustic experiment. In her hybrid vocal assemblages, violist Julia Eckhardt guides us back to the affective qualities of language and sound and lets them rouse her to instrumental improvisations.