achim zepezauer

laues berauschen

“Lau” originally comes from ‘well’. Thusmoderately warm or pleasantly mild. The reference to liquids is clear, and water (Old High German wazzar) belongs to the Indo-European root *wēd or *wŏd, cf. English wet, “moist.” The word “intoxication” originally meant an impetuous movement and was not substance-related drunkenness until the 16th century. Noise, on the other hand, also called “background” in physics, consists of frequencies that can produce acoustic signals with different waves.


Achim Zepezauer is equally influenced by music and art. Therefore, his performances, concerts or installations often seek their interface. He also curates experimental concerts such as the “mex” series at the Künstlerhaus Dortmund, designs record covers, makes pottery, produces animated short films, is part of the large formation “The Dorf” and hosts a radio show.

achim zepezauer

laues berauschen

Photo © Jennifer Braun

Wednesday | SEPtember 28, 2022 | from 18:00
EXP Sondervitrine GElsenkirchen